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Permaculture Principle Deep Dive #7: Design From Patterns To Details ~Epi-52
Design from pattern to details.
Anyone who has read a permaculture book has heard this – but how to actually DO IT?
Today we talk about Natural Constants and the Yeomans Scale of Permanence as tools you can use to help you design from big, broad, largely immutable patterns down to small, granular, actionable details.
This is how you can ground the small actions you take in any given moment to a 7th generation vision – each action is informed by the many layers of contextual foundation that underlay it.
The most fundamental bit of pattern understanding you can develop to guide the design and evolution of your homestead is knowing your own internal map – your values, and what your life looks and feels like on a day-to-day basis when you live an alignment with them (your Highest Quality of Life). If you haven’t done that work yet, start by developing your Minimum Holistic Goal.
Then move on to researching and developing all of the factors the should guide sound design decision – do your own Foundational Site Assessment or bring us in to help. Once you’ve got your bases covered, then its time to put pen to paper and start designing.
Getting started designing your homestead?
START HERE: Enroll in the Minimum Holistic Goal Creation Mini-Course today for free. This is the ONE THING that will make everything else easier or unnecessary on your homesteading journey! 100% Free
Upon completing this course you will have a crystal clear idea of who and what resources you have to work with, your desired Quality of Life that your homestead has to provide for, and what you will need to produce and the conditions required to sustain that production to meet your Quality of Life needs.
Need some help getting the “birds eye view” of your property and its surrounds to help you design your sovereign homestead?
Check out our Hi-Definition Contour Base Map package. This package includes:
- Hi-definition LiDAR contour map layer (contour lines can spaced at whatever scale you desire – as tight as 1 foot or less if you desire).
- Aspect Map Layer – color-code your entire property by which direction it faces – very helpful in identifying ideal growing zones and microclimates for specific plantings.
- Hillshade Layer – for easily visualizing landform across your entire property.
- Slope Layer – color-code your entire property based on the % grade – very helpful for access planning, living systems establishment and site selection for buildings etc.
Deliverables include:
- Hi-definition .jpeg or .pdf of your entire property and/or its contributing watersheds, at whatever size you desire (if you wish to print a poster and have it laminated as an iterative design tool images can be generated at whatever size the poster shop will print).
- .KML file of the contour lines for importing and 3D viewing in Google Earth Pro (free to download) – this is a very helpful and accessible design tool.
We also offer consulting calls if you need some design help or a fresh perspective – see the Virtual Property Design Review for details.