Implementation Services For Regenerative Landscapes

We offer the following implementation services to help homesteaders, farmers and ranchers make the absolute most of their landscapes. Click any of the subcategories below to explore specific offerings.

Water Systems

Water patterning is the foundation for every successful homestead design. How water interacts with the landform has everything to do with creating a productive, profitable and beautiful homestead that weathers disruption in stride. By implementing these water patterning elements in an integrated, self-regulating system, optimal hydrological function can be attained and while maximizing water sovereignty.

Getting your land right with the water that falls on it and moves through it is the key to tapping into the immense generative power of Nature.

Below are lists of the various elements, systems and techniques we can help you implement – click any bullet to jump to an expanded description.

Water Infiltration Elements

Primary Function: To enhance infiltration of water received by your landscape into soil storages.

Water infiltration elements function to capture run-off, slow it down, spread it out in the most advantageous location(s), and allow the excess water to sink into the soil, where it can used effectively by soil biology and plants, recharge aquifers and maintain base-flow for connected springlines and creeks.

There are many different types of infiltration elements that can be applied to serve a myriad of site-specific needs. Below are some of the more common earthwork structures we install.


Swales are shallow, level-bottom ditches that run along a contour line across a landscape. Swales slow water down, spread it out on contour and give it time to infiltrate into the soil. They are useful anti-erosion structures where there is significant sheet flow (uniform surface run-off) or concentrated sources of run-off (i.e. culverts, gutters, and hardscape shed points). The soil that is excavated to create the ditch is mounded immediately downhill to create a berm that further serves to maximize infiltration.

While not suitable to every landscape, swales can be very helpful in establishing tree belts and mitigating erosion while simultaneously providing a way for water to infiltrate into the soil instead of running off.

  • Terraces are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to prevent run-off, increase infiltration, build topsoil, enhance access and increase land area available for cultivation in sloped terrain.
  • Infiltration basins are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.
  • Swales are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.
  • Swales are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.
  • Swales are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.
  • Swales are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.
  • Swales are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.
  • Swales are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.

See Water Infiltration Elements > Swales to learn more.

Infiltration Basins

Infiltration and/or sediment basins are used to infiltrate seasonal concentrations of water, typically only present during larger precipitation events. Infiltration basins can range in size from small, backyard sunken rain gardens to football field or larger sized depressions graded to give extra water a place to collect, drop its sediment load if it has one, and infiltrate into the soil.

Infiltration basins are great for handling run-on from neighboring properties. In cases where there will be a known sediment load, deposition will occur, often yielding a source of nutrient rich material that can be dug out and re-used elsewhere in the landscape. Where sedimentation is known to occur we typically make the basins large enough to clean out with a tractor.

  • Infiltration basins are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.
  • Infiltration basins are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.
  • Swales are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.
  • Infilration basins slow, spreading and sinking water.
  • Infiltration basins are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.

See Water Infiltration Elements > Infiltration Basins to learn more.


Terraces are level or just off-level benches cut into hillsides to create flat ground where previously there was none.

Terraces are excellent for creating more usable land, improving access, improving soil production and retention and serve as backbones for some of the most productive growing systems the world round.

Terrace systems can be set up for orchards, food forests, market production, grazing animals and much more. Terrace size and spacing is dependent upon the nature of the system being installed, the existing terrain and soil type, and management requirements.

  • Terraces are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to prevent run-off, increase infiltration, build topsoil, enhance access and increase land area available for cultivation in sloped terrain.
  • Terraces are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to prevent run-off, increase infiltration, build topsoil, enhance access and increase land area available for cultivation in sloped terrain.
  • Terraces are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to prevent run-off, increase infiltration, build topsoil, enhance access and increase land area available for cultivation in sloped terrain.
  • Terraces are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to prevent run-off, increase infiltration, build topsoil, enhance access and increase land area available for cultivation in sloped terrain.
  • Terraces are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to prevent run-off, increase infiltration, build topsoil, enhance access and increase land area available for cultivation in sloped terrain.

See Water Infiltration Elements > Terraces to learn more.

Keyline Subsoil Ripping

Keyline subsoil ripping utilizes a specially-designed non-inversion sub-soil ripper (Yeoman’s plow) to create pathways for air and water to enter otherwise compacted or hardpan soils.  The patented shape of the tines creates a pressure wave that fractures and flocculates the soils above it, which improves aeration and water infiltration without destroying soil structure or killing all of the soil microbiota (as happens with discing or soil inversion) because the soil is left mostly undisturbed is not exposed to sunlight or open atmosphere.

Riplines are generally surveyed slightly off-contour, from valleys to ridges, to help evenly distribute water throughout the landscape.

  • Yeomans keyline plow used to decompact and flocculate compacted soils to enhance water infiltration, distribution and germination.

See Water Infiltration Elements > Keyline Subsoiling to learn more about keyline plowing and the Keyline Design System.

Water Storage Elements

Primary Function: To store bulk water for potable and non-potable use.

Water storage elements function to store bulk water by impounding it in either open-to-atmosphere (ponds & lakes) or closed-to-atmosphere (tanks & cisterns) storages. Open-to-atmosphere storages are nearly always cheaper to construct, but have a reduced number of use cases, while close-to-atmosphere storages are generally more expensive per gallon of water stored, but have a greater range of use cases available (i.e., water can be stored with greatly reduced contamination risk).


Ponds are a relatively cheap way to impound large amounts of water for a wide variety of potential use cases. Open water bodies provide a diversity of ecological benefits, and are tremendously productive when designed and managed holisticially. The amount of ecological niches increases exponentially when water is brought into the landscape.

See Water Storage Elements > Ponds to learn more.

  • Infiltration basins are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.

Tanks & Cisterns

Water storage tanks, stock watering tanks and the distribution piping and plumbing are a part of most broad-acre and suburban water designs. Getting water where it is needed in the landscape is critical for successful establishment and maintenance of trees and plants and ecologically beneficial livestock management. 

Whenever possible we aim to create gravity-fed water supplies to provide buffers during power outages or emergencies. Distribution piping is designed with access patterning and eventual planned locations for living systems in mind to allow for future access and maintenance of water delivery infrastructure without disrupting or damaging other functioning or living elements.

Fire reserve water tank.

See Water Storage Elements > Tanks & Cisterns to learn more.

Water Drainage Elements

Primary Function: To move water via gravity in a non-erosive way across and through the landscape.

Any time water encounters anything but a perfectly level surface, it will move. This movement is called drainage. Water will always move at right angle to contour in response to gravity on a non-level surface – i.e it will move straight down slope. Water will continue to move straight down slope until its course is somehow altered by something in its path. In this way water movement is predictable at the macro scale. This gives us the opportunity to design the patterns of water movement throughout our landscapes to reduce or eliminate any potential for damage while maximizing its productive use and ecological benefit.

Road Cross Drains

Drainage from road surfaces (and whether or not they were designed from a whole-systems perspective) has a huge impact on the productivity, resilience and ongoing maintenance costs for broadacre landscapes.

By employing the right drainage treatments designed to meet site-specific load and function requirements at the right frequency, road maintenance expenses can be reduced by an order of magnitude, erosion can be reduced or halted completely, and the water harvested from the road surfaces can be put to profitable use hydrating large areas of productive landscape.

  • Swales are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.

See the Water Drainage Elements post for detailed write-ups on the functions of and when vs. when not to use the following types of cross drains:

Overland Drains

Overland drains move water across non-hardscape surfaces. Their primary functional design aim is to move concentrated water flows without losing any soil to erosion. Overland drains are always armored, either geologically (with stone, rip-rap, concrete) or biologically (perennial grasses and plants with hairnet root systems), and most ideally a combination of both.

See the Water Drainage Elements post for detailed write-ups on the functions of and when vs. when not to use the following types of overland drains:

  • Terraces are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to prevent run-off, increase infiltration, build topsoil, enhance access and increase land area available for cultivation in sloped terrain.

Spring Development

Springs are the ultimate sovereign water source, and often provide very high quality water. When we tap into springs, or retrofit old spring water collection systems, we do so with the goal of providing water for your needs and maintaining or improving the sensitive riparian habitats that typically surround springs. Often times a spring will provide the primary source of drinking water for wildlife for miles in any direction, and we design our spring water collection systems to provide accessible water for wildlife while still getting clean, cold water into a pipe for your needs.

Spring development is very site specific as no two springs are exactly alike. We design and install spring water collection, storage, distribution and low-tech purification systems for both discrete point-source and diffuse seepage spring heads.

Below are two videos detailing the installation of spring water collection and distribution systems we have installed at two different diffuse seepage spring heads.

Water-Powered Pumping

Water can be pumped uphill using the energy in falling or flowing water. If you have a creek, river, or spring on your land and some fall to work with, you can pump water for free.

The type of water-powered pumping set up that may be right for your context depends on four primary criteria:

  • Water Needs: Does your water source produce enough to meet your needs?
  • Supply Head: How much vertical drop do you have to work with from your source to your pump location? This is what generates the energy to pump some of your water uphill.
  • Flow Rate: How much flow you have will determine how much you can pump.
  • Delivery Head: How high and how far do you need to lift and move the water?

Depending on the nature of your pumping scenario, generally on of the three following types of pumps will work; Hydraulic Ram Pump, River Pump or Bunyip Pump. See the playlist at right to learn more about these different water-powered pumping options >>>

Bunyip pressure amplifier pump – capable of pumping up to 1,200′ head.

Low-Tech Water Purification

Water filtration and purification is a critical component for grid-independent water sovereignty. Filtering water to potable quality for drinking, bathing and other use cases that require the highest quality water can be done at scale (hundreds to thousands of gallons per day) with simple systems that utilize readily available materials.

Bio-sand charcoal biofilter system for potable water.

We help our clients set up properly scaled off-grid water filtration systems that require no electricity and no purchased filters that can be maintained by the owner for zero to no cost called bio-sand charcoal filters. Learn more about how bio-sand charcoal water filters work in this post and in this playlist >>>

Erosion Repair & Prevention

Soil erosion is the primary way that the productivity, function and long-term profitability of productive landscapes is diminished. Every erosion problem can be addressed to become an asset to the larger landscape in which it is located when implemented as part of a holistic water patterning plan.

At TSH we employ a range of time-tested structures and techniques using site-sourced or locally available materials that halt erosion damage and initiate natural revegetation and subsequent landscape rehydration processes.

Headcut Stabilization & Repair

Headcuts are particularly damaging to landscapes because once they form they continue moving up-watershed (kind of like unzipping a zipper, except they move uphill), growing in size and severity, causing ever-worsening erosion and dehydration of the surrounding terrain every time water flows through them. Headcuts are the primary way that incised gullies form.

Depending on the headcut size, the inherent characteristics of the contributing watershed, and on-site or local materials availability, different methods for stabilizing a headcut may be chosen:

  • Zuni Bowls / Energy Dissipation Pools: Rock-armored plunge pools that create a pool of standing water to pacify inbound high-energy water flows.
  • Armored Rundowns: Rock-armored ramps underseeded with perennial grasses or mat-forming vegetation.
  • Log-Drop Structures: Step-down structures made from large logs, underlain with geotextile and bound together with wire.

Over time, these structures can be allowed to fill in with sediment and vegetation as the watershed repairs itself and healthy, lower-energy flow patterns are restored.

Headcut progression – staircase headcut demonstrates why headcuts NEED to be fixed!
Headcut Erosion Repair > Zuni Bowl playlist.

Flow Spreaders & Concentrators

Most erosion processes result from too much water moving through too small an area too quickly. A major component of most erosion control systems is to restore sheet-flow (thin, uniform flow over a broad area) whenever possible. Conversely, in some cases it is best to concentrate dispersed flows, such as immediately before transiting a steep section of fragile landscape to move water into an armored drain.

Depending on the inherent characteristics of the contributing watershed, and on-site or local materials availability, different methods for spreading and concentrating flows may be chosen:

  • Media lunas: Crescent-shaped level-topped structures made of knitted stone and undersown with perennial or mat-forming vegetation. Can be utilized to spread or concentrate flows depending on their orientation (tips up or down).
  • Wood Chip Berms: Crescent-shaped level-topped shallow berms of wood chips for spreading flows and accumulating sediment to assist revegetation on sites with shallow grades.
  • Brush Mineral Structures: Similar to wood chip berms, only made with brush and packed with subsoil.
  • Vertical Straw Mulch: Leafs of baled straw set into the ground vertically in a shallow trench following contour – effective for maintaining dispersed flows, enhancing infiltration and aiding revegetation on bare ground.
  • Swales are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.
  • Swales are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.
Curated playlist on application and construction of media lunas.
VIDEO: Vertical fish scale straw mulch with Neil Bertrando.

Gully Restoration

Incised gullies do not get better on their own – at least on a time scale appreciable to people. Gullies are not neutral – they actively dehydrate the adjacent landscape by dropping the soil water table, encourage type-conversion from riparian to upland vegetation, and transport large amounts of topsoil and mineral subsoil down-watershed. This chokes small creeks and river with sediment, destroying fragile aquatic habitats.

Depending on the inherent characteristics of the contributing watershed, depth and grade of the gully, soil types, and on-site or local materials availability, different methods for initiating gully repair may be chosen:

  • One-Rock Dams: Belts of knitted stone laid 4-6 rows wide across gully bottoms perpendicular to the direction of flow and one rock high. Used to create sediment deposition zones to promote moisture retention and revegetation. Built sequentially each season, ORDs help to aggrade (lift) the bottom of an incised drainage, ultimately reconnecting it with its former floodplain.
  • Gully Packing: Laying and packing of cut, woody vegetation in gully bottoms with cut ends facing upstream, anchored with stakes and wire, to increase roughness, slow flow, increase sediment deposition and encourage revegetation.
  • Plug & Spread: Knocking down gully walls with heavy machinery, creating “plugs” with the loose material, and patterning water from the plug points out on contour to level-sill spillways.
  • Weirs: Constructed of posts and brush, or stone or masonry across the flow channel, weirs are small dams that are designed to be overtopped during a high-flow event, and are used for flood control, among other functions.
  • Beaver Dam Analogues (BDAs): Man-made structures that mimic the form and function of beaver dams for flood control, bank rehydration and habitat creation.
  • Post-Assisted Log Structures (PALS): Post-and-log structures set in a channel to mimic and promote natural accumulation of woody debris.
  • And more…
Curated playlist on the application and construction of One-Rock Dams.
Curated playlist on the application and construction of Beaver Dam Analogues (BDAs).

Biological Erosion Control

Living erosion control systems get stronger and more effective over time. In addition to stabilizing the earth and protecting it from being washed away, living systems also enhance soil biology and water-storage capacity, yield valuable inputs in the form of mulch, feedstocks and crafting or building materials, and beautify the landscape (especially when compared to a concrete block retaining wall).

One of the most effective biological erosion control systems is planting vetiver grass on contour. Establishing perennial vegetation over bare soil is always a good idea, and every place has locally-adapted plant and tree species well-suited to the task

Curated All Things Vetiver Grass playlist.


The location of mainframe access is patterned around existing water flows to maximize year-round functionality and minimize maintenance time and costs. The functional requirements of the landscapes and systems an individual access route must serve are the primary determinants of its size and method of construction.

Aligning these factors to support the function of the whole system is the key to efficient movement throughout your landscape.

Vehicle Access

Low-standard (dirt, gravel, road base or native soil surfaced) access routes for motorized and animal-driven transport (carts, wagons).

We help you implement:

  • New low-standard road patterning and implementation within production areas, such as terraces and ridge roads.
  • Low-standard road remodeling, typically in conjunction with drainage modifications to enhance road function while also halting any associated erosion damage and improving the surrounding hydrology.
  • Terraces are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to prevent run-off, increase infiltration, build topsoil, enhance access and increase land area available for cultivation in sloped terrain.
  • Swales are a type of water infiltration earthwork used to passively harvest water and infiltrate it into the soil.

Pedestrian Access

Pedestrian access includes access routes for animal and human foot traffic. By designing efficient, user-friendly and low-maintenance access in from the start, the frequency and ease with which a homestead landscape can be observed and interacted with increases. The best fertilizer is the gardener’s shadow.

We help you implement:

  • Semi-hardscape, softscape and bioscape paths as appropriate to place and required functions. This includes natural stone pathways and pavers interplanted with foot traffic tolerant groundcovers, as well as gravel, decomposed granite, and mulched pathways.
  • Pathway stabilization and drainage for low-maintenance and longevity. The most frequent source of dysfunction for foot access is poor drainage patterning. By ensuring proper grading and pattering drainage water into infiltration elements, the footpath will require much less maintenance and contribute to the water harvesting potential of the landscape.
Before and after installing natural stone gravity glue pathway and stabilizing an eroding slope with contour plantings of vetiver grass.


The siting, orientation, mode of construction and design of built structures determines how well they function in their given climate context (i.e., staying cool when its hot out, and warm when its cold out). Everywhere people live they have developed ways to house themselves and other life forms using locally-sourced materials and inherited construction know-how.

By integrating time-tested natural building methods with appropriate modern materials and some basic DIY engineering, we can build healthy, comfortable, safe and affordable homes that will become a multi-generational asset.

Earthen Construction

Earth is the most widely-used building material on the planet – even today! It is estimated that a third of the global population still lives in housing at least partially built with earth. Earth is available everywhere, has excellent thermal properties, breathes and transmits moisture through the wall (instead of trapping it), enables free-form creative building and is beautiful to boot!

We have experience with small-scale earthen construction projects, including:

  • Cob: Clay, sand and straw mixed to form monolithic walls and arches.
    • Experience: Foundation bond beams, stick-frame wall infill, outdoor kitchen counter foundations, outdoor earthen pizza oven.
  • Earthbag: Stacked woven polyethylene bags filled with damp soil containing at least some fraction of clay, tamped, with barbed wire used to connect one course to another. Capable of building domes and arches.
    • Experience: Earth bag garden planters.
  • Slip Straw Infill: Clay-coated straw packed into the voids within a stick-framed or wattle-and-daub structure to create lightweight, strong walls with a respectable R-value.
    • Experience: Pallet-framed bath house with slip straw infill.

Pallet-framed Slip-Straw Infill Bath House

Walnut Slab Outdoor Kitchen Counter-Top

Living Systems

The greater the life expression capacity of your landscape, the greater your ability to live healthy, wealthy and free will be.

Agroforestry Systems

Agroforestry is a catch-all term for managing multi-species tree-based systems for the production of valuable products (food, fiber, fodder, fuel, timber, medicine and more) often in concert with livestock and annual crops. The benefits generated by agroforestry practices are both economic and environmental. Agroforestry can increase farm profitability by increasing total aggregate yields per unit area with mutually beneficial tree/crop/livestock combinations, reducing the harmful effects of wind on crops and livestock, and by generating additional products that add income streams for the enterprise.

Agroforestry systems are managed intensively as whole systems – it is the relationships between the various living elements that make for a resilient, productive and profitable whole.


Silvopasture is the intentional combining of tree systems and livestock, often with the addition of livestock fodder trees. Holisticially managed silvopasture systems can dramatically increase the number of calories grown per acre to feed livestock and thus significantly increase the carrying capacity of the landscape, in addition to providing a wide array of additional yields such as fruit, nuts, timber, fuelwood, medicinals and more.

Read our article Silvopasture: Sustainable Food Systems For The Era Of Energy Descent to learn more about the power of trees in pastures.

Forest Gardening & Food Forestry

“Gardening like the forest.”

Perennial polycultures of multi-purpose trees and plants, arranged to mimic the 7+ layer structure of natural forests, intentionally designed to produce the 7 F’s for humans (food, fuel, fiber, fodder, fertilizer, “farmaceuticals” – a.k.a. medicinals – and fun).

Orchard Retrofits

Conventional orchards tend to sacrifice resilience and ecological function for efficiency and maximized yield of a single or few crop varieties. We help clients with conventional orchards looking to increase profitability, production and function to diversify their yield, grow their own fertilizer, reduce pests by growing habitat for predators, integrate livestock and integrate passive water harvesting structures amidst existing orchards.

All of these aspects and more serve a whole-systems approach to managing and producing tree crops.