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Silvopasture – Sustainable Food Systems For The Era Of Energy Descent
Silvopasture is one type of agroforestry system, which is a catch-all term for managing multi-species tree-based systems for the production of valuable products (food, fiber, fodder, fuels, timber, medicine and more), often in concert with livestock and annual or perennial crops. There are six main types of agroforestry practices, between which there can be considerable…
008 – Why You Should Start Planting Trees On Your Homestead Yesterday
In today’s show we cover some of the amazing gifts and benefits that trees can provide to your homestead and larger landscape, including: Trees are the ultimate alchemists – creating stored sunlight Trees are energy translators – between the surface world and the subsurface world Trees are hydraulic engineers – they bank water for hard…
007 – High Value Livestock Fodder Trees For Temperate Climates
Today we are talking about livestock fodder trees and why, if you’re raising livestock and want to continue eating high-quality meat and animal products in a time when livestock are being demonized as the cause of all things bad…you’d be wise to start growing and diversifying your feed inputs for your animals. Fodder trees produce…
High-Value Livestock Fodder Trees For Temperate Climates
Fodder trees are trees that produce vegetation that is highly palatable and nutritious for livestock. Using trees for fodder – either as direct browse, cut and carry, chop and drop, or in the making of ensilage or tree hay – is a profitable way to increase yields by stacking productive elements vertically, while improving animal…