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Nutrient Cycling For Homesteads ~Epi-017
Today’s episode is all about cycling nutrients on your homestead to build rich, healthy, fertile soils that can’t help but be productive. Soil fertility IS the number one asset a sovereign homestead can have. Indeed it’s just about impossible to sovereign without it! Join me today for a high level overview of the different methods…
Sovereign Water: The 4 R’s of Regenerative Hydrology ~Epi-016
In today’s show we discuss the 4 R’s of Regenerative Hydrology – Receive, Retain, Recharge, and Release – a simple mental framework for evaluating how your landscape is functioning with regards to the water element, AND how you can make changes in your management and design to optimize it for the benefit of your land,…
Lessons From 3 Years Of Tent Life ~Epi-015
Today we are discussing lessons learned from living in a canvas wall tent for 3 years on a permaculture farm. I am joined by my partner in love and life, Samantha Davis, for a trip down memory lane as we share the pros, cons and lessons learned from three years of tent-life and living pretty…
Creating A Regenerative Livelihood – An Emerging Framework ~Epi-014
In today’s episode I share with you all my emerging framework for creating a regenerative livelihood. The five overlapping spheres below give you an idea of where I’m going with all of this. Ultimately, for your livelihood to be regenerative (i.e. resilient in the face of shocks, sovereign, anti-fragile, ecologically generative, financially rewarding and energetically…
013 – DIY Charcoal And Biochar For Homestead Use
Today’s show is a great primer for those of you new to the concept and practice of making charcoal and biochar. We will cover: What is charcoal vs. what is biochar? The MANY things you can do to increase your homestead productivity with charcoal AND biochar HOW to make your own charcoal – we’ll cover…
012 – Nine Characteristics Of A Sovereign Homestead
Today’s show covers 9 different characteristics of a sovereign homestead. What are the things that make a homestead more sovereign? It all comes down to choice. A sovereign homestead is one that gives you more choice about how you live your life. The more sovereign your homestead is the more free you are from external…
011 – Design Your Sovereign Homestead Using The SADIMEA Framework
This week we take a look at the actual process of designing your homestead. The framework we use to guide our design process is called SADIMEA, and it consists of the following 7 phases: Survey – This phase is all about gathering data – developing intimate knowledge of the environment and context within which your…
010 – Air Pruning 101 – How To Grow Better Trees Than You Can Buy And Save Money Doing It
Today’s show is all about the science and application of air pruning to grow hundreds or thousands of trees with incredibly healthy root structures in a small area. Air pruning is what happens when a tap root or growing root tip gets exposed to air – it essentially dehydrates and goes dormant. This creates a…
009 – Green Is The New Grey For Thriving In The Dim Age
ย Today I make the case why Green is the new Gray when it comes to surviving and thriving in an era of rising totalitarianism – a.k.a the Dim Age. Living with more connection and interdependence with Nature is the way to live healthy and free when the powers that be and the greater societal…
008 – Why You Should Start Planting Trees On Your Homestead Yesterday
In today’s show we cover some of the amazing gifts and benefits that trees can provide to your homestead and larger landscape, including: Trees are the ultimate alchemists – creating stored sunlight Trees are energy translators – between the surface world and the subsurface world Trees are hydraulic engineers – they bank water for hard…