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Exchanging Value In The Regenerative Agora: Cryptocurrency As A Medium Of Exchange
Exchanging Value In The Regenerative Agora Debt-backed fiat currency issued by central banks is currently the dominant form of currency in our world. We can qualitatively examine this critical element of human society and economy using the Regenerative vs. Degenerative Continuum. We can further delineate what it means to create a regenerative system by overlaying…
Borrowing Without Intent To Repay: How Modern Fiat Currency Systems Concentrate Wealth By Design
The monetary system which we are all subjected to this day in age is diametrically opposed to having a regenerative economy. Simply put, a regenerative economy cannot exist (or will fail) if the money used to transact within it violates the ethics of 1) Care For The Earth, 2) Care For The People, and 3)…
The Regenerative Agora – Counter-Economics For Stewards Of The Future
How can we go about creating the new systems, business models, value systems and infrastructure of a regenerative society when much of that work is arbitrarily outlawed or suppressed by the power systems that dominate our current culture? This post is for those of you interested in creating that world worth inheriting, whether or not…