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Exchanging Value In The Regenerative Agora: Cryptocurrency As A Medium Of Exchange
Exchanging Value In The Regenerative Agora Debt-backed fiat currency issued by central banks is currently the dominant form of currency in our world. We can qualitatively examine this critical element of human society and economy using the Regenerative vs. Degenerative Continuum. We can further delineate what it means to create a regenerative system by overlaying…
The Regenerative / Degenerative Continuum Of Resource Use
Can an eco-system make use of single-use, polluting resource and still be called an eco-system? This question drives right at the heart of what sustainable livelihood is and what it means to be regenerative and abundant. As is often the case, it depends. It also addresses a few of the difficulties with paying yourself to…
Borrowing Without Intent To Repay: How Modern Fiat Currency Systems Concentrate Wealth By Design
The monetary system which we are all subjected to this day in age is diametrically opposed to having a regenerative economy. Simply put, a regenerative economy cannot exist (or will fail) if the money used to transact within it violates the ethics of 1) Care For The Earth, 2) Care For The People, and 3)…
The Regenerative Agora – Counter-Economics For Stewards Of The Future
How can we go about creating the new systems, business models, value systems and infrastructure of a regenerative society when much of that work is arbitrarily outlawed or suppressed by the power systems that dominate our current culture? This post is for those of you interested in creating that world worth inheriting, whether or not…
039 – Design Your Life And Homestead To Yield Freedom In Time, Health, Wealth and Spirit
How can we design our lives and our homesteads to maximize our freedom in Time, Health, Wealth and Spirit? This is a primary lifestyle design aim for anyone interested in living as a sovereign human being today. Join me today as we discuss the 4 freedoms – all of which are aspects of FREEDOM –…
Creating A Regenerative Livelihood – An Emerging Framework ~Epi-014
In today’s episode I share with you all my emerging framework for creating a regenerative livelihood. The five overlapping spheres below give you an idea of where I’m going with all of this. Ultimately, for your livelihood to be regenerative (i.e. resilient in the face of shocks, sovereign, anti-fragile, ecologically generative, financially rewarding and energetically…
Creating Regenerative Livelihood: An Emerging Framework
If you want to live life on your own terms, you have to control your income generation to the greatest extent possible. This is true always. It becomes absolutely critical (to the point of it being life or death) amidst rising totalitarianism (i.e. what we are living through right now). Income needs to be generated…
008 – Why You Should Start Planting Trees On Your Homestead Yesterday
In today’s show we cover some of the amazing gifts and benefits that trees can provide to your homestead and larger landscape, including: Trees are the ultimate alchemists – creating stored sunlight Trees are energy translators – between the surface world and the subsurface world Trees are hydraulic engineers – they bank water for hard…
004 – The Minimum Holistic Goal: Essential Homestead Design Tool
In today’s show we cover… What a Minimum Holistic Goal is and WHY its important to create one The three distinct parts of the MHG, their functions and how to create them, HOW to actually USE and LEVERAGE your MHG with the 7 Decision Tests for applying your MHG in real-life and in real-time to…