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Air Pruning Beds For Healthy Tree Propagation
DIY Air Pruning Beds – Grow Hundreds Of Trees With Well-Formed Root Structures In A Tiny Footprint What Is Air Pruning? Air pruning is a technique for developing healthy, fibrous, non-circling and non-girdling root structures in trees and and plants raised in a nursery setting that uses air to prune and shape root systems. Trees…
Erosion Prevention & Repair Elements
Introduction Soil erosion is a serious problem in most contexts. Stopping active soil erosion is a prerequisite for rebuilding soil, and the elements detailed here are tools to help us do just that in a wide variety of landscapes. However, no treatment is a panacea, and each must be evaluated based on the unique parameters…
039 – Design Your Life And Homestead To Yield Freedom In Time, Health, Wealth and Spirit
How can we design our lives and our homesteads to maximize our freedom in Time, Health, Wealth and Spirit? This is a primary lifestyle design aim for anyone interested in living as a sovereign human being today. Join me today as we discuss the 4 freedoms – all of which are aspects of FREEDOM –…
037 – DeGoogling Round 1 – The Phone
In today’s show I detail my journey into what will be a multi-year endeavor – completely de-Googling my life. For us to live as sovereign human beings this day in age, we have to consciously design our digital lives to maintain appropriate levels of privacy and security amidst the ever-rising tide of surveillance and tracking.…
030 – Homesteading As A Tool For Creating Freedom Outside The Scope, Reach And Will Of The State
Today’s show is about homesteading being one of the best tools we have as sovereign individuals for creating freedom for ourselves and our families outside the Scope, Reach and Will of the state. The State, which I’ll refer to as the Matrix here, has 3 aspects to it’s control structure: Scope: “laws on the books”…
Nutrient Cycling For Homesteads ~Epi-017
Today’s episode is all about cycling nutrients on your homestead to build rich, healthy, fertile soils that can’t help but be productive. Soil fertility IS the number one asset a sovereign homestead can have. Indeed it’s just about impossible to sovereign without it! Join me today for a high level overview of the different methods…
Creating Regenerative Livelihood: An Emerging Framework
If you want to live life on your own terms, you have to control your income generation to the greatest extent possible. This is true always. It becomes absolutely critical (to the point of it being life or death) amidst rising totalitarianism (i.e. what we are living through right now). Income needs to be generated…
013 – DIY Charcoal And Biochar For Homestead Use
Today’s show is a great primer for those of you new to the concept and practice of making charcoal and biochar. We will cover: What is charcoal vs. what is biochar? The MANY things you can do to increase your homestead productivity with charcoal AND biochar HOW to make your own charcoal – we’ll cover…
011 – Design Your Sovereign Homestead Using The SADIMEA Framework
This week we take a look at the actual process of designing your homestead. The framework we use to guide our design process is called SADIMEA, and it consists of the following 7 phases: Survey – This phase is all about gathering data – developing intimate knowledge of the environment and context within which your…