

044 – Greg Judy Grazing School


In today’s episode we re-cap the takeaways from the 2-day grazing school I attended at Greg Judy’s Green Pastures Farm in Clark, Missouri. The school was awesome, with great instruction from Greg and his co-instructor Abram Bowerman of Still Waters Farm in Spickard, MO.

Intensively managed ruminant livestock are the tool for building soil rapidly, at scale over broad acre landscapes. The benefits are too numerous to enumerate here, but suffice to say if you have even a couple of acres, you need to get livestock on them and you need to move them.

Anything less and it’ll be like trying to homestead with one hand tied behind your back – so much more work or damn near impossible! When it comes to building a fertile, rich and productive soil bank, there is nothing that can compete with well-managed livestock. And building soil is fundamentally what sovereign homestead is all about. If you don’t have living soil, you don’t have many choices available to you.

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Getting started designing your homestead?

START HERE: Enroll in the Minimum Holistic Goal Creation Mini-Course today for free. This is the ONE THING that will make everything else easier or unnecessary on your homesteading journey! 100% Free

Upon completing this course you will have a crystal clear idea of who and what resources you have to work with, your desired Quality of Life that your homestead has to provide for, and what you will need to produce and the conditions required to sustain that production to meet your Quality of Life needs.



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