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030 – Homesteading As A Tool For Creating Freedom Outside The Scope, Reach And Will Of The State
Today’s show is about homesteading being one of the best tools we have as sovereign individuals for creating freedom for ourselves and our families outside the Scope, Reach and Will of the state.
The State, which I’ll refer to as the Matrix here, has 3 aspects to it’s control structure:
- Scope: “laws on the books”
- This is practically limitless. There have been approximately ~90,000 laws and regulations passed since 1995 at Congressional level alone.
- However, these claims of control are only impactful if the Reach and Will are there to back it up.
- Reach: “boots on the ground”
- Is enforcement physically possible? In the past, this always meant the government had to be able to put an ideologically possessed individual (the State Agent) literally within arms reach of its subjects to control them (or sword, spear, rifle, artillery range etc).
- We’ll talk about a good example of this – Afghanistan – Graveyard of Empires, and how the terrain literally creates a fundamentally unconquerable environment and people.
- Today, we must also contend with Digital Reach – a.k.a. Technological Enforcement which is built around controlling ACCESS to services, goods, money etc. This is a relatively new aspect of State Reach.
- Is enforcement physically possible? In the past, this always meant the government had to be able to put an ideologically possessed individual (the State Agent) literally within arms reach of its subjects to control them (or sword, spear, rifle, artillery range etc).
- Will: “what exists in the heart of the State agent”
- Who are the enforcers? Are they known or unknown to you? Are they neighbors / community members or out-of-towners? The more personal our relationship with the enforcers, the less likely they are to be their worst around us.
- EXAMPLE: Sheriffs refusing to enforce unconstitutional laws.
Where Scope, Reach and Will overlap is “The Matrix” – there is total control. Anything outside of the center is more free. If you can move from a 3/3 situation to a 2/3 situation, whole new horizons of freedom open up. Let’s look at the different 2/3 overlaps.
- Scope & Reach, but no Will = unenforced laws, speak easies, “look the other way” culture
- This can be good and/or bad!
- Reach & Will, but no Scope = cutting edge industry, non-coercive legal activity, something that is too new (the State is slow to understand because it is not the innovator!).
- Example: Bitcoin
- Will & Scope, but no Reach = off-shore accounts, jurisdictional & geographic arbitrage
- Move you (your talents, energy, skills etc) and your assets (8 forms of capital) to a place that respects them!
Homesteading is the secret weapon for creating more freedom in our lives. They are all based on who we become while walking the sovereign individual’s path. Homesteading is the ultimate human development regimen in my opinion. Let’s look at three ways that homesteading helps us create more freedom:
- Become an excellent ecosystem manager: The basic inputs for creating an abundant living system are Light, Water, CO2 and Soil Minerals – and all of them are outside the Scope, Reach and Will of the State to control! With them you can manage your landscape to produce meat, milk, fiber, fuel, medicine, fodder, materials etc. – all the raw feedstocks for Primary forms of Wealth!
- By managing Light, Water, Soil and Life you can maximize these free inputs and yield sovereign production!
- You can also create the “Wall of Green” that the taxman can’t see the value in. How the heck do you tax a food forest? It doesn’t fit the State Agent paradigm. He does not have “the eyes to see”.
- Invest in learning and improving your SKILLS: Once you have a skill and know how to do a thing, the State cannot take that away.
- Invest your time and energy in building in-real-life, face-to-face, over-the-fence-post RELATIONSHIPS. Trusted neighbors are priceless in the times we are living into.
REMEMBER – What you do matters. The State would have you believe in the inevitability of their control – but they are not inevitable. Practice discernment to take better action, and improve your discernment by dialing in your orientation. This is why all of my design clients must distill their Minimum Holistic Goal before we begin designing anything, and it is what I have to offer you on your sovereign homestead journey.
Show Resourcesb
- The 4 Pillars Of Productive And Profitable Homesteads- Managing Light, Water, Soil And Life To Create More Freedom In Your Life.
- 8 Forms of Capital
Getting started designing your homestead?
START HERE: Enroll in the Minimum Holistic Goal Creation Mini-Course today for free. This is the ONE THING that will make everything else easier or unnecessary on your homesteading journey! 100% Free
Upon completing this course you will have a crystal clear idea of who and what resources you have to work with, your desired Quality of Life that your homestead has to provide for, and what you will need to produce and the conditions required to sustain that production to meet your Quality of Life needs.
Music by Alex Grohl