

To Swale Or Not To Swale ~Epi-018


Join me today for a critical-thinking dive into swales – we cover what they are, the functions they perform and how they perform them, and then go into all of the context-specific factors that inform the decision of “To Swale Or Not To Swale”.

More than being a referendum on swales, today’s show is meant to serve as an example for how to think through selecting, designing and installing elements within your landscape so that they actually perform their intended design function (i.e. rehydrate your landscape so you can grow more food, more animals, more beauty – whatever!).

Swales are awesome rehydration elements and can be a boon to a healthy and productive landscape – provided they are a good fit for your context!

Do your due diligence when considering swales within your landscapes – they are not a one size fits all solution and should NOT be applied in many cases and contexts.

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Getting started designing your homestead?

START HERE: Enroll in the Minimum Holistic Goal Creation Mini-Course today for free. This is the ONE THING that will make everything else easier or unnecessary on your homesteading journey! 100% Free

Upon completing this course you will have a crystal clear idea of who and what resources you have to work with, your desired Quality of Life that your homestead has to provide for, and what you will need to produce and the conditions required to sustain that production to meet your Quality of Life needs.


Music by Alex Grohl

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